JUNE 23, 2024

TEXT: I Peter 3:8-17

  • Introduction: Psalm 34:11-19
    We need to invite the next generation to come to learn truth from us as the older generation
    We need to teach the next generation truth about how to live life God’s way
    We need to teach the next generation truth about who God is and what He wants for our liv

The kind of relationships God desires for His children are…

  1. Building unity by being kind  1 Peter 3:8-9
    • Unity is essential in healthy relationships.
    • Kindness is essential in healthy relationships.
    • Blessing others is essential in healthy relationships.
  2. Act in ways that cause good reactions.  1 Peter 3:10-12
    • Our actions in life affect our experience of life.
    • Our words affect our experience of life.
    • Our quality of life is influenced by our behavior.
    • Our relationship with God determines our experience.
  3. Our life experience has much to do with the why behind the what.  1 Peter 3:13-17
    • Why we do good.
    • Why we are happy
    • Why we say what we say
    • Why we are being accused
    • Why we are suffering

Action Points:
* Who are you seeking to influence in the next generation?
* How are you helping or hurting unity in your relationships?
* What kind of reactions are you seeing in others by your actions to them?
* Why do you do and say the things that you do and say to those around you?