Pastor Humber continues with examples from Joseph’s life, encouraging listeners to Live Life God’s Way! Text: Genesis 50:14-26
Text: Genesis 45:1-27 Pastor Humber encourages listeners to truly forgive others. Action Points: I need to see God in the details of my life so I can forgive _____ . Today God convicted me about not truly forgiving because I can see it in my behavior. This week I need to work on believing God’s…
Text: Genesis 43:1-18, especially verse 14 …“and God Almighty give you mercy…” Pastor Humber continues with lessons from the Life of Joseph. He encourages listeners to recognize that: Life can get hard for us all Hard decisions in life require faith in God God’s grace should motivate us to generosity Watch or listen to hear…
Text: Genesis 42:21-38 Pastor Humber shares with listeners from the example of Joseph and his brothers (when the famine drove them to Joseph) that: Our sin catches up with us eventually Doing right helps us forgive others who sin against us Dishonesty builds distrust Action Points: Am I building trust with honesty or building distrust…
Text: Genesis 42: 1-24 Pastor Humber shares how God faithfully cared for Joseph and his family and how he will faithful care for us when we submit to Him. Action Points: Do you have the best friend you could ever have in Jesus, having received Him by faith? Are you being a true friend to…
Text: Genesis 41:44-57 Pastor Humber takes examples from the life of Joseph to teach listeners to: Honor God by caring for your family. Verses 44 – 45 Honor God by budgeting resources. Verses 47 – 49 Honor God by helping others in need. Verses 53 – 57 Don’t let bitterness destroy your life, follow the…
Pastor Humber continues the morning message using Joseph as an example to teach listeners that Godly living pays off and allows God to accomplish His Will in the lives of His children. Text: Genesis 41:16-46 Action Points: What has God burdened your heart to trust Him for in your life? What are you doing…
Text: Genesis 41:16-46 Learning again from the life of Joseph, the son, brother, slave, prisoner and later ruler, Pastor Humber challenges listeners to learn and act because everything experienced in life is preparation for the “next step”. God has the answers to life’s questions God’s Answers to life’s questions are meant to be shared God’s…
Text: Genesis 41:1-16 When we have the opportunity to “rise and shine’, to whom will we give glory?
Text: Genesis 40:6-23 Action Points: “This week I will _____________ to make sure God determines my achievements.”