Text: II Chronicles 19:1-11
I. The fear of the Lord brings the _______________ of the Lord vss. 9-11
A. From the ___________ of the Word of God vs. 9
B. From the Lord causing fear in our ___________ vs. 10
C. From the Lord blessing our lives even through our _____________ vs. 11
II. The fear of the Lord comes from walking in honor _______ Him vss. 3-6
A. Following the right ____________ of godly forefathers vs. 3
B. Following God with your ________ heart not false gods vss. 3c-4a
C. Following God in ______________ to His Word not disobedience vs. 4
D. Following God and enjoying His ______________ vs. 5
E. Following God by honoring Him in true __________ vs. 6
III. The fear of the Lord helps us to do all we do ______ 19:5-9
A. Because we do it for the ______ and not man vs. 5 Colossians 3:22-25
B. Because honoring the Lord is our best ______________ vss. 6-7
C. Because the __________ of the Lord helps us more than man’s wisdom vs. 8
D. Because the fear of the Lord helps us to be _____________ with integrity vs. 9