Text: Jeremiah 32:16-44
- Jeremiah’s prayer begins with praise about God Jeremiah 32:16-23
- He prays after he obeys what God told him to do
- He praises God for His power as Creator
- He praises God for His authority over His creation
- He praises God for keeping His promises to His people
- Jeremiah’s prayer declares what he knows to be true Jeremiah 32:23-24
- He knows God’s people had been rebellious
- He knows God chastens His children for their unrepentant sins
- He knows God sees and knows everything
- Jeremiah’s prayer admits his confusion unto God Jeremiah 32:25
- Why did you ask me to buy land when the nation is overtaken by our enemy?
- Why did you ask me to buy property when the land is under siege?
- Why did you ask me to buy land and have it witnessed for verification?
- Why did you ask me to do this when it seems so pointless?
- Jeremiah’s prayer is answered with clarity from God Jeremiah 32:26-44
- He promises that He is able to do His will on the earth in His time
- He promises to destroy Jerusalem for the idolatry of His people
- He promises that He will judge His people but bless them again
- He promises a future regathering of His people to their homeland