March 3, 2024     TEXT:   Galatians 5:13-26

Introduction: Liberty is an individual experience spiritually and practically (Psalm 119:41-48)

  • God’s salvation liberates us from the destruction of sin individually (v. 41)
  • God’s Word liberates us from the control of sin individually (vv. 42-45)
  • God’s will liberates us as we submit to it individually (vv. 46-48)

I. Jesus came on a mission to liberate our soul (Isaiah 61:1-4; Luke 4:16-21)

  1. Liberty in relationship with Him as Saviour (v. 1)
  2. Liberty in responsibility to our Creator (v. 2)
  3. Liberty in restoring what sin has damaged (vv. 3-4)
  1. Renewing is what God desires for sinners
  2. Renewing comes after repentance of sins
  3. Renewing can come to whatever sin damages

II. Jesus provides to us liberty to glorify God not to live in sin (Galatians 5:13-26)

  1. The liberty we are called by God unto is to love others not destroy them (vv. 13-15)
  2. The liberty we are called by God unto is to live in the Spirit not the flesh (vv. 16-18)
  3. The liberty we are called by God unto is manifested in truth not opinion (vv. 19-26)
  1. Living in the flesh produces fruit that is evident to us and others (vv. 19-21)
  2. Living in the Spirit produces fruit that is evident to us and to others (vv. 22-25)
  3. Living in the liberty God has provided produces holiness not selfishness (v. 26)

III. Individual soul liberty also includes individual soul responsibility

  1. Freewill to exercise and for which to be accountable
  1. Salvation
  2. Surrender
  3. Sanctification
  1. Personal direction in living life
  1. Reading God’s Word
  2. Letting God’s Spirit lead
  3. Heeding God’s will
  4. Gathering in God’s house
  1. Personal accountability to the Lord