AM: “Satisfied in the Lord Even in Temporal Suffering”

TEXT:  Hebrews 2:7-12

  • Introduction     Proverbs 19:23
    • The fear of the LORD tendeth to life, he that hath it shall abide satisfied.  He shall not be visited with evil
  1. Being blessed is the opposite of evil     Matthew 5:10-12
    1. Suffering for righteousness is described as blessed, not evil
    2. Suffering for Jesus’ sake is described as blessed, not evil
    3. Rejoicing, being glad & eternal rewards are not evil
  2. Following the example of Jesus is never evil     Hebrews 2:7-12
    1. We should willingly lower ourselves for Jesus as He did for us
      1. He lowered Himself in:
        1. leaving Heaven & coming to earth
        2. coming in human form to identify with us
        3. dying on the cross for our sins to lift us up to God
    2. We should faithfully finish God’s will as Jesus did
      1. He was perfect in:
        1. perfectly making us right with God
        2. finishing Salvation for us
        3. suffering for all of our sins
    3. We should declare Jesus as He declared the Father
      1. Jesus faithfully declared the Father & His love & righteousness     John 18:20;  Matthew 4:23;  9:35;  John 10:25
      2. The prophet before us declared God like Jesus did      James 5:10
      3. The followers of the Lord should declare Him as well      Psalm 22:22, 25; 40:10;  111:1
  3. Temporal suffering does not compare to eternal blessings     Romans 8:18
    1. Suffering is only in the temporal for the child of God
    2. The blessings of eternity are far greater than temporal suffering
    3. Eternal glory is far greater than temporal suffering
    4. What God can do is far superior to anything anyone else can do