Text: John 12:20-26
- People need to see Jesus John 12:20-23
- They need to see Jesus in His followers
- They need Jesus’ followers to bring them to Him
- They need Jesus’ followers to bring Him glory
- We choose how we live John 12:24-26
- To live for ourselves or for the Lord
- To live for what we can get or for what we can give Ephesians 4:28
- To live for what we want or for what God wants
- We must first die to ourselves if we are going to live for Jesus
- II Corinthians 4:10-11; Galatians 2:20-21; 6:14
- We must first stop living for ourselves if we are going to follow Jesus
- We must first stop serving ourselves if we are going to serve Jesus
- We must first die to ourselves if we are going to live for Jesus
- We must root down in order to grow up! Colossians 2:6-7
- Seeds germinate this way John 12:24
- Skyscrapers and buildings are built this way Luke 6:46-49
- This is true of icebergs as well
- God’s Word stated it in this order – Colossians 2:6,7
- “Rooted” is stated by God first
- “Built up” is stated by God second
- “Stablished” is stated afterwards as the result of the first two
- Action Points:
- Are you enjoying being stablished in Christ in your faith?
- Have you been rooted deep down in Christ in genuine Salvation?
- Are you growing deeply in Jesus and growing up in maturity in your faith in Him?