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Text: Psalm 92:1-15
- Introduction:
- This passage is paralleling a good spiritual life with two types of trees
- The difference growing old in Christ’s Word makes
- The reality of life stages in development
- Young life growing in a less than adequate environment has a difficult time developing
- In the biological kingdoms
- In the human experience
- In the spiritual reality
- The environment of life influences its’ health Psalm 92:12
- Living organisms grow in an environment
- Healthy spiritual life requires righteousness
- The righteousness of God in us Psalm 24:3-6; Romans 3:19-26
- The signs of healthy life Psalm 92:12-14
- Healthy life is planted
- Planted in the house of the Lord
- Flourishing in the courts of our God
- Nourishment in the presence of the Lord
- Intimacy in relationship with the Lord
- The contrast of the wicked Psalm 92:6-10
- Healthy life is flourishing
- Healthy life is growing
- Healthy life is fruitful
- Productive
- Nourishing others
- Duplicating itself
- Multiplying
- Fulfilling purpose
- Healthy life is planted
- The display of a healthy Christian life Psalm 92:15
- That the Lord is good in what He has done in this life Psalm 92:1-5
- That the Lord is our source of stability and strength in this life
- That the Lord is always perfect and righteous in His work in this life
- Action Points:
- What evidence do you see in you for spiritual life?
- Is the environment of your spiritual life influencing a healthy spiritual development?
- Can you identify any signs of the health of your spiritual life?
- What are you displaying for the world to see in your spiritual life?