TEXT:  Ephesians 4:1-6

I. It requires the right attitude vss. 1-2
A. The right attitude about ourselves vs. 1a
B. The right attitude about our calling vs. 1b
C. The right attitude toward others vs. 2

II. It requires the right effort with the Spirit vs. 3
A. Personal effort
B. Maintaining effort
C. Spirit-filled effort
D. Peacemaking effort

III. It requires agreement in essentials vss. 4-6
A. About getting into Christ vs. 4 Romans 6:1-11; I Corinthians 12:12-13

B. About having the Holy Spirit vs. 4
C. About our eternal hope vs. 4   Jeremiah 17:7; Titus 2:13;  I Peter 1:3

D. About our Saviour, Jesus Christ vs. 5
E. About the Biblical Christian Faith vs. 5   Jude 1-4

F. About Scriptural Baptism vs. 5
G. About God the Father vs. 6

IV. It requires submission to God by each person   vs. 6
A. God is superior to us all as our Creator.
B. God is sovereignly working His will out through all things.   I Corinthians 12:6; 15:28; Ephesians 1:23

C. God is sanctifying His children by living in them and working in them.