I. Who is the giver (vv. 11a, 7-10)
A. The one that descended and ascended (vv. 8-10)
B. The one that died, was buried, and rose again (v. 9b)
C. The one that was victorious over His enemies (v. 8)
II. What He gave (vv. 11, 7-8)
A. He gave the gift of Salvation in Himself (v. 7)
B. He gave gifts unto men (v. 8)
C. He gave men leading gifts for leadership (v. 11)
1. Some gifts we do not need anymore
2. Some gifts have changed in focus
D. He gave gifts unto women as well (Romans 12; I Corinthians 12:12-31)
1. Pastors (I Timothy 3:2-7)
2. Deacons (I Timothy 3:8-13)
III. Why He gave them (v. 12)
A. He gave these gifts to grow the believers in churches
B. He gave these gifts to equip believers to serve the Lord
C. He gave these gifts to help believers to be used to build up churches
IV. How long He has given them (v. 13)
A. Until we come to the place of full unity of the faith in Heaven
B. Until we come to the place of full unity of the knowing Christ
C. Until we come to the place of full maturity spiritually
D. Until we come to the place of full likeness of Christ (Romans 8:26-30)