Text: I Thessalonians 2:1-12
- We must go to where the people are living life I Thessalonians 2:1
- Their community Acts 1:8
- Their gathering places
- Their points of interest
- We must speak God’s truth to them I Thessalonians 2:1b – 6
- Obedience to speak God’s Word is never in vain
- Our boldness must be in God and His Word, not in us
- Our speaking of God’s truth must be sincere
- Not deceptive
- Not manipulative
- Not pushy
- Not pleasing man, but God
- Obeying God not man
- Pleasing god not man
- Seen of God not merely man
- Not seeking our glory, but God’s
- We must do God’s Will with God’s Word God’s Way I Thessalonians 2: 7-12
- God is concerned about what we do
- God is concerned about how we do it
- God is concerned about the impact of it
- How it is received by others
- The fruit it brings forth in others
- Live life in a way that pleases God
- Live life according to God’s calling Mark 6:9-15
- Under His authority
- Obedient to His Word
- Sensitive to His accountability
- Live life to His glory I Corinthians 10:31-33
- We are called to bring God glory
- We are created to bring God glory
- We are redeemed to bring God glory
Bring Glory to God Revelation 7:12