May 5, 2024
TEXT:   Philippians 2:12-29

Introduction: vs. 12 “Wherefore”
I. The mind of Christ is available through God working in us (vv. 12-13)
A. The mind of Christ is available to all believers (v. 12a)
B. The mind of Christ is motivating to obedience for all (v. 12)
C. The mind of Christ is what God can help us to have (v. 13; Romans 8:29)

II. The mind of Christ enables God’s child to honor Him (vv. 14-18)
A. The mind of Christ never causes us to complain (v. 14; Proverbs 6:16-19)
B. The mind of Christ causes us to be a light in the world (vv. 15-16)
C. The mind of Christ produces joy in us and others (vv. 17-18)

III. The mind of Christ helps us to be like-minded with others (vv. 19-22)
A. The mind of Christ helps us trust others to serve with us (v. 19)
B. The mind of Christ helps us to be like-minded with others in Christ (v. 20a)
C. The mind of Christ helps us to care for others as Christ would (v. 20b)
D. The mind of Christ helps us not be self-centered as many others are (v. 21)
E. The mind of Christ helps us to become unified in the Gospel work (v. 22)

IV. The mind of Christ may involve personal sacrifices (vv. 23-30)
A. Timothy made many personal sacrifices serving with Christ’s mind (v. 23; I Timothy 5:23; 4:14; 1:18; II Timothy 1:6)
B. Paul made many personal sacrifices serving with Christ’s mind (v. 24; I Corinthians 4:9-13; II Corinthians 4:8-10; 11:21-28; I Timothy 4:10; II Timothy 3:10-12)
C. Epaphroditus made many personal sacrifices serving with Christ’s mind (vv. 25-30; Philippians 4:18, 23)
D. Christ made many personal sacrifices serving here on earth (v. 30c)