Dec. 22, 2024
TEXT: Luke 1:26-56
Introduction: Mary & Her Mother
I. Mary was brought up to faithfully honor God (vv. 26-38)
A. She honored God by maintaining sexual purity (vv. 26-27)
B. She honored God by listening to His messenger (vv. 28-33)
C. She honored God by obeying His Word (vv. 34-38)
1. She obeyed it even though she did not understand it completely
2. She obeyed it even though she had not yet experienced it personally
3. She obeyed it even though it had never happened before identically
II. Mary was brought up to obediently serve God (vv. 39-45)
A. She served God by being available to Him (vv. 39-41)
B. She served God by submitting to His will (vv. 42-44)
C. She served God by believing His Word (v. 45)
III. Mary was brought up to worshipfully praise God (vv. 46-56)
A. She magnified the Lord from her soul (v. 46)
B. She rejoiced in her God and Saviour in her spirit (v. 47)
C. She acknowledged the goodness of God shown unto her (vv. 48-49)
D. She declared the faithfulness of God to His people and His Word (vv. 50-55)