Reality Can Be Painful

Life is full of moments of reality when things become clearly evident to us. Sometimes that is encouraging and uplifting when that reality helps us and blesses us. However, at other times that reality can be a painful experience that also can be helpful. Most every week I experience these facts about reality in both ways- usually more than once. This week I received some information that was very disappointing. It is not anything I have total control over, but it is something I have influence upon. I was informed about a problem that needed to be addressed, and I was given some advice that needed to be heeded. It was not what I wanted to hear, but it was what I needed to hear; therefore, I was grateful even though I was sad. It did not have to do with me personally, but as the shepherd of this flock it did involve me specifically, and I needed to hear it. It was a painful reality that I would not have been aware of without having it brought to my attention, because it was not in my life or family that I see regularly. It was something I was concerned about at other times, but I was hoping it had been corrected. I responded with an email of gratitude for the concern brought to my attention and agreed with the suggestion that was offered and expressed my sadness for this painful reality. It was helpful, and I was thankful even though it was painful. This is the same for us all. If we do not listen to the words of others, we can miss things that we need to be aware of in our life or in the lives around us that we care about. This is true in every aspect of life and in every stage of life. As long as we are living on this earth and in these corrupted bodies of flesh, we will need help to see things we are missing in ourselves and in the world around us. If we are not willing to listen to the reality that others are perspective to, then we will not benefit from the help it can offer to us in our own life. This reality can be painful, but helpful to us all.