Godly Labor Day

Labor Day is a celebration of labor by taking a break from it. It is the celebration of the freedom in our nation to improve your situation in life through industrious effort and hard work. In previous generations, that is what passionately drew people to immigrate legally to this great nation but, unfortunately, many coming today illegally are looking more for a handout not a hand up. Too many are not coming to get a job, but to get a free ride on the backs of others. And this reality is on top of a growing number of Americans that have come to realize that they can live better on social programs than on getting a job and earning their way in life. The sad fact is that it is working and often at the sacrifice of real people who actually have a legitimate need of assistance to help them because of a limitation not of their own making. When you don’t work, taking a break from work is not really anything to celebrate or even appreciate. When you don’t earn what you have, you usually don’t take care of what you have.  God’s Word still says what it says about the connection between working and eating in II Thessalonians 3:10-12. We have been greatly blessed to live in this nation, and we need to value the privilege of calling it home. We have been blessed to be part of this wonderful church, and we need to invest ourselves in it with our time, our talents, and our treasures to advance it into the future for God’s glory. We have been offered a wonderful blessing in our family relationships, and we should invest in them and value them to make them all they could be to bless each other. Honor the Lord in your labor and in your Labor Day celebration. Honor the Lord in being the best worker you can be. Honor the Lord in earning your money through hard work and using your money to meet your needs, pay your bills, and invest in His work on earth through His church. God instructs us in His Word in many places like Colossians 3:23 “And whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord, and not unto men.” And I Corinthians 10:31 “…whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”