God Is So Good

God has been very good to me in my life. I have much to be thankful for and each of us here who are children of God, if we would think about it very carefully at all, we would all have to come to the same conclusion. As sinners who are guilty of all our sins, we are all deserving of eternity separated from God by our sins. However, by God own will, in His grace and mercy, He offers us His love instead of His wrath, but it is only by genuine faith in His begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as our personal Saviour to cleanse us of our sins and make us right with Him in His holiness by granting us His righteousness in Christ. None of us are worthy of that and not any of us could ever achieve that on our own. God is at work in this place and in His children, and I feel bad for anyone who is not experiencing that or realizing that. God is still saving souls in this place and He is also still growing believers in this place. God is meeting needs through His people in this place, and He is advancing His kingdom work on earth through His church in this place. When God is pleased with one of His children or one of His churches, then He blesses them and uses them to His glory by working through them to achieve His work on earth. God is doing that in this place, and I give Him praise for it; I am exceedingly blessed to see Him at work. Summerville is a small place in Eastern Oregon and Eastern Oregon is a little-known place in Oregon and even lesser known in the United States and even less significant in the world. However, God is doing things that displays His blessing and His will being done. I realize that everyone does not feel the same way I do about what God is doing here, and I understand that everyone is not seeing the blessings of God on His work in this place like I am describing and that is very unfortunate to me. We are in the six month of 2023, and we have seen God do many amazing things through His work in this place for which we should be praising Him. We should be part of His wonderful work on this earth through this obscure but special place in His strategic plan unfolding during this time in history. Today, we are honored to have our friends, Rick and Regina Adams, here with us to share about the new ministry that God has given them to do with Him in His work on earth. I am thankful for the years God has used them to do His work in His church that was in their care for forty years, and I am looking forward to all that He has planned to do with them in the days ahead.