AM: “Redemption in Christ”

Text: Romans 3:21-31

Pastor Humber discusses the great resources that we have being “in Christ”


  1. Is necessary because of our sinfulness – V. 9-20
    1. None of us are better than others  V.9
    2. All of us have a sin nature V. 9b, 10
    3. We are all sinners by choice – actions that we take V. 11-18
    4. The law condemns us all before God – V 19,20
  2. Is necessary to be made right with God – V 21-26
    1. It is the only way to receive the righteousness of God V 21, 26
    2. It is only received by faith V 22,23
      1. Unto all that believe
      2. Upon all that believe
      3. Because all have sinned
      4. Because all are short of God’s Glory
    3. It is only possible by God’s Grace – V 24,25  _there is no other redeemer and no other way
  3. Is necessary to be received to benefit from it – V 27-31
    1. There is One God over us all  V 29,30
    2. There is One Way to this One God for us all  V 27-28,30  By Faith
    3. it must be received, but can be rejected  V 30
      1. Faith must be received  Rom 10:17; John 1:11,12
      2. Faith must be exercised  Rom 10:9-13
      3. Faith can be  rejected  Acts 24:24,25; 26:26-29